"The Drawings of Frank Lloyd Wright" by Arthur Drexler is a comprehensive collection of architectural drawings and sketches by the famous American architect Frank Lloyd Wright. The book provides a detailed look at Wright's creative process and showcases his innovative approach to design.
Drexler meticulously curates Wright's drawings, organizing them into various themes and periods of his career. The book includes plans, elevations, and perspective drawings of some of Wright's most iconic buildings, as well as lesser-known projects and experimental designs.
Through the drawings, readers can gain insight into Wright's unique vision and see how his ideas evolved over time. The book also includes commentary and analysis by Drexler, shedding light on the significance of Wright's work and its enduring influence on the field of architecture.
Overall, "The Drawings of Frank Lloyd Wright" offers a captivating glimpse into the mind of one of the most renowned architects of the 20th century and serves as a valuable resource for anyone interested in architecture, design, and the creative process.
The drawings of Frank Lloyd Wright by Drexler.
All books are vintage and sold as is